Antje Majewski & Paweł Freisler
30 Aug–20 Oct 19
with Piotr Życieński and Anja Fiedler / Apfelschätze
and Eckart Brandt, Marco Clausen, Friederike Habermann, Maike Majewski, Konstantin Schroth, Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen, Carl-von-Linné-Schule, Fichtelgebirge Grundschule, Friedensburg-Oberschule, Fritz-Karsen-Schule, Kita Goethestraße, Heinrich-von-Stephan-Schule, Hector-Peterson-Schule, Rosa-Parks-Grundschule
Apple. An Introduction. (Over and over and once again) is an exhibition of paintings, objects and films revolving around the apple as an example of biodiversity loss. Drawing on the fruit’s rich traditions, the exhibition addresses both market dynamics and critical questions of nutrition, as well as the preservation of species, resilience and climate change. Initiated by the Berlin-based artist Antje Majewski and the Polish conceptual artist Paweł Freisler, this is a project that is artistic, research-based and cultural-historical as well as political. Tree-planting sessions, workshops and other programmes involving the participation of urban initiatives and educational institutions will extend the project into urban space.
As part of KGB-Kunstwoche: Panel discussion about the commons with Eckart Brandt, Marco Clausen and Friederike Habermann, moderated by Maike Majewski
Sep 3, 19, 7–9 pm
Harvesting with Apfelschätze on overgrown plantations in Potsdam-Grube
Sep 29, Oct 3+4, 19, 11 am–4 pm
In solidarity with the Global Climate Strike #AlleFürsKlima Galerie im Turm remains closed on this day.
Sep 20, 19, all day
Apple festival at Galerie im Turm
Oct 6, 19, 1–6 pm
Apple tree planting and workshop for adoptive tree-parents
Oct 20, 19, 12–2 pm
Workshops, appletree plantings and programmes in schools organized by Apfelschätze in collaboration with Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen
Sep 1–Oct 30, 19
CURATOR: Lena Johanna Reisner
TRANSLATION: Sonja Hornung
TECHNICAL TEAM: Carolina Redondo, Claudio Aguirre und Johann Hackspiel
The artists and the curator wish to thank the team of Galerie im Turm and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, namely: Stéphane Bauer, Ferdinand Gieschke, Daniel Noack, Nadia Pilchowski and Sylvia Sadzinski, as well as the team of exhibition guards and mediators; neugerriemschneider, Berlin, for the loans; all participating adoptive tree- parents and supporters of the project.
Image: Antje Majewski, Apple Ornament, ongoing
The project is realised in collaboration with the faculty of green areas in the district office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Turgut Altuğ (Grüne Fraktion, Berlin).
Supported by the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection; the Senate Department for Culture and Europe: Exhibition fund for municipal galleries and fund for artist remuneration, as well as the project fund of the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.