Wor(l)ding Dreamers
invited by hn. lyonga
9 May–21 Jul 24
Opening Festival: 8. + 9. Mai 24
with avrina prabala-joslin & dandelion eghosa, Cagla Aribal, Sailesh & Cavid Dhen & Legion Seven, Fatim Selina Diaby, Giorgio Ferretti, Hanita Firoozmand, Hannah Abdullahi, hn. lyonga, Moiasse, Nhã Thuyên, Raphael Koranda, Savannah Sipho, and more
I’m learning to fly, to levitate myself. No one is teaching me.
I’m just learning on my own, little by little, dream lesson by
dream lesson. – Octavia Butler
in Parable of the Sower, 1993
Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives.
It lays the foundation for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of
what has never been before. – Audre Lorde
in Sister Outsider, 1984
Poetry, like rest, can be scary to engage with because
of the mystery it allows for, but this is exactly why we
must face our fear and dream and let rest guide our
healing and curiosity. – Tricia Hersey
in Rest is Resistance, 2022
There is power in the collective dreams we share.
These dreams, big and small, thread through time and space,
connect struggles globally, weave a net of solidarity from here
to there, from then to now, to what is yet to come. – Moiasse and hn. lyonga, 2024
in Trees and Other Entities: A Dream Manifesto, 2024
Wor(l)ding Dreamers is an invitation to rest, to (day)dream, to time and space travel in order to examine future memories or speculate on past histories and create visions for the immediate present.
Wor(l)ding Dreamers is the fourth part of the exhibition series
– conceptions of (extra)terrestrial worlds between reality and fiction.
Video: Tiago Pöx
with fem_arc, PHANTALISA, Black Dads Germany
Wor(l)ding Young Dreamers is a joint endeavor by the Friedrichshain-based initiative PHANTALISA – Space for Girls* and Young Women*, the community project Black Dads Germany, and the intersectional feminist architecture collective fem_arc dedicated to delving into the dreams/nightmares of Young Thinkers in the neighborhood.
Through words, illustrations, and architecture, Young Thinkers will guide the exhibition’s growth and transformation, while making their wishes/fears about future, past and present tangible and accessible.
Accompanying programme
Dreamers Poetry Festival
8 May 24 , 6.00–10.00 pm
Dreamers Poetry Festival
9 Apr 24 , 7.00–10.00 pm
Young Black Dreamers Workshop
19 May 24 , 2.00–6.00 pm
Young Black Dreamers Workshop
2 Jun 24 , 2.00–6.00 pm
Dreamers Music and Poetry Evening
21 Jun 24 , 7.00–10.00 pm
Young Black Dreamers Workshop
23 Jun 24 , 2.00–6.00 pm
Dreamers Poetry Afternoon
13 Jul 24 , 4.00–7.00 pm
About the artists
hn. lyonga is a Black, queer, multi-genre writer, poet, and curator at the intersection of postcolonial literature, critical race theory, and social transformation, with an interest in
anti-Black racism, language in Black speculative fiction, anti-colonial approaches to nature and the fixation of land as infrastructure. hn. lyonga currently co-coordinates BARAZANI.berlin – Forum Colonialism and Resistance and is a member of the FieldNarratives collective. hn. lyonga was formerly the Neighbor in Resident at the Gropius Bau.
Curators: hn. lyonga and Johanna Janßen
Assistant: Marlene Risse
Head of Production: Carolina Redondo
Production team: Dušan Rodić, Elon, Felipe Araya, Felipe Monroy, Flavio Medina, Francisco Martinez and Juan Saez
Gallery invigilators: J. Ferdinand Gieschke & Daniela Schoepe
The curators would like to thank the team of Galerie im Turm and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien for their support, namely: Dani Hasrouni, Melina Gentner, Josef Stöhr, Sofía Pfister, Stéphane Bauer and the team of supervisors.
hn. lyonga wants to send special thanks to Lolita Hardeson, Becky Jabayah Nkengaka, Selna Hardeson, Camila Jabayah and Markus Posse and the Posse family, and my dearest friends Charlotte Müller and family, Fogha MC Cornilius Refem, Isabel Raabe, Mario Laarmann and Sonja Hohenbild and the siblings at Barazani.berlin, who continue to encourage me to dream.
Wor(l)ding Dreamers is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Community: Muli-Sector Funding, Exhibition Fund Municipal Galleries and Fund Exhibition Fees for Visual Artists. Wor(l)ding Young Dreamers is made possible through the funds from the Berlin Project Fund Arts Education.
Galerie im Turm is a facility of the municipality department office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Collaboration with: